Thursday, March 22, 2007

My brother just graduated from his 3 months BMT in tekong. Was extremely happy for him because i know that it hasnt been easy for him because most of the time he was training when his health wasnt doing that well. I did my role as his brother to help him in anyway i could. So the day arrived and he asked me to attend his passing out parade. Was a bit reluctant because i was having my quizzes that week, but make time to go down and help him put on his jockey cap.

It was pouring and pouring at tekong. some things have changed, some things havent. Recalled the time when i was standing on the red tiles time has flown by so quickly. Thats 5 years ago!
managed to capture this with my handphone...not bad right?
yes, not everyone in my family is tall, some of us are not that tall... felt so happy for him!

Was going through my tutorials while waiting for the fastcraft(ferry). We waited about 2hrs before we started to board the ferry back mainland.

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