Thursday, March 22, 2007

My Pitstop

Sometimes when people ask me how cellgroup is or what did Shaun(or anna) preach about, it will take me some time to recall. Thats why we write notes. Sometimes we remember, sometimes we dont. It may be just that 2hrs meeting together, and you may not remember what that game is all about even though everyone was laughing and rolling on the floor that day, you may not remember what testimony you shared last week, or what the offering message was about, or even what the refreshments was, but you need to remember at least one thing and that's your encounter with God.

Every single encounter is precious to me and is like a souvenir which God has brought forth to me. I wanted to blog this many days ago but din had the chance as it was a busy week and yet it remains with you so strongly. How i wish my encounters with my professors during lectures are like this. =)

God reminded me of a car, not just a salon car but a F1 racing car and it was busy zooming in and out of the various competitors. It looked just like the one in the pic-red with large wheels. As it was running, smoke appeared from the wheels and it seems like wheels are burning out. It became so bad that sparks appear, and there was a bad rubbery smell.

The driver was reluctant to stop as he wants to chiong all the way to the finishing point. The performance of the car dropped as more and more problems occur. The car had to be sent to pitstop where the men replaced the wheels with new shiny wheels and pumped fuel for the car to run.

The car raced and eventually finish the race.

Sometimes we walked like that with God. We wait until we are breaking down before we seek Him. We wait until we are totally drained, God says 'come to me' and you still want to continue chionging. Taking a break, leaving God to pump in the fuel in you, strengthening in this walk, tightening the screws so that you are ready for whatever they comes in your way, all these, will really do you good. Sometimes we really do need to stop what we are doing and listen.....

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