Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chinese New Year 2007

Chinese New Year come and go. Hope i wont have a hard time getting out of Chinese New Year mood. Quizzes in 14 days time! Well this year new year, the whole family has been really sick and still slowly recovering., so none of us were in the chinese new year mood until new year eve when we had reunion. Probably i had my mood earlier after church on thursday.

Sometimes i feel that we seems to miss out on the whole point of new year. Its not the goodies, nor the ang paos nor the fanciful deco nor the enormous variety of good food on the dining table that frames up what new year is. Personally, i felt that this is a good time for family members and relatives to get to know each other better, spending quality time with your immediate family members and relatives and friends.

I still remember that i used to get extremely excited over this festival for the food the money the crowd(kids). But as I grew older, mindsets do change. You tend to treasure and take note the things that you once left out.

Was reading weisian's blog and she mentioned about her going through a phase of people asking her what is she going to do after poly and she wrote about having to go through the same question and reply again and again. Haha, this year for me, questions like when are you going to get married seems to be the question for me and i had to run through with them that i am still schooling. No job, no money. no money no wife. Simple as that. am sure that God knows the answer, so no worries. haha

Amongst all the weather talk, some relatives even asked me if i was still in army??!!?? Prob we need to keep in contact even more bah.

Well, this year, angpao takings has been more than expected. People are giving more. Prob they know that with the 7% gst, things are going to be more expensive. Of course there are contribution from newly-weds and 1st time givers too.

wonder how shaun bruce , matt geral are doing in their 1st year of ang pao giving. first you reap then you give. Maybe if they have children, it wont be so siong le. =p

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