Wednesday, February 21, 2007

waiting....i need more patience =)

the past 2 weeks was of suspense of awaiting for kenna's email reply. no reply means my application for the attachment was nt successful? should i email her or should i not. I dont really want to pester her because i felt that to a big company, internship is a very small aspect that they are involved in.

I thank God for the grace and favour of men that Kenna was really nice. Just received her reply today.


Yes we received it! We are just trying to work out logistics. Thanks for your patience Kaisin.



this sounds really positive. Lets hope that all things work for the good to those who loved Him.Let the entire application be YES and AMEN! really hope that she replies positively before my dateline otherwise i will be in a sticky mess myself with the school's adminstration!!

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