Thursday, November 09, 2006

Flight To Calgary

okie, here's the story continued. As above are the luggages claimed at vancouver airport.I still had to take an internal domestic flight. When i reach vancouver airport, i was interrogate for quite a while at the check-in counter. The girl shoots off question like "how do you get here, how do you have $$ to come, why are you here, where are you going to visit etc etc", all these to a sleepy, just woke up tired me.
As you can see, the luggages came in funny packaging. The one in cardboard contains food supplies like chilli, dried prawns, cuttlefish , titbits, etc for my aunt and her family. I only packed my stuff in the little handcarry allowed onboard the plane. As such, i travelled light, bringing only tshirt, undergarments, berms, sandals, thats all.
Met with some problems retrieving the luggages as they came later than expected, so i was the last few who got back the cases and i had a flight to catch.
Ran all the way with the trolley of suitcases to the checkin counter again and was told that i had 10mins to get to the next building to board the plane! Super dramatic!
Thank God for long limbs, i managed to reach the counter, squeeze through the crowd to get inside. 1st domestic flight ever, dunno what to expect

map of how the plane will be flying. from vancouver to calgary. 3 weeks later, will be going to vancouver and kelowna to do some camping.

taken from my seat! west jet!

flight attendant doing a friendly safety briefing. i wonder if budget airlines have this in singapore?

talked to another person(forgot her name), she is going over to visit her son at calgary and going for the stampede! a christian book writer that likes chinese food like tim sum. haha

city of calgary, taken frm the air!like domestic flight, they fly low enough to get to see the city landscape. It's a wonderful 1 hrs ride, feeling superly excited, seeing my aunt and her family soon!
above the rocky mountains, some of them still have unmelted snow, these snow are there for decades and centuries. at the back of my head, i was asking God, am i literally closer to you now?hee!!

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