Wednesday, July 09, 2008

a week of sighs and yeahs!

well its been so long since i last blogged, have been so caught up with many stuff that blogging isnt very high up on the priority now. Well so many things to blogged, i shall just slowly slowly blogged them as time goes by and when i feel more like typing more.

this week or weeks has/have been a week of sighs
been to acer service centre one time too many
it all happen when my laptop produced distortion or laggy sounds
resulting in slight lagginess in the computer

so with all faith, i went down to acer
so that they could solve my problem
after all my warranty ends in sept 2009
they changed my motherboard and i thought all was good
then i went back home on express 502
halfway through i tried to startup my laptop
somehow my lappie just cant get started
so i had to make a U-turn back to acer again
battery component in motherboard was spoilt
whats the point of replacing the motherboard with another one that is faulty somewhere else
spent a total of 5hrs at acer service centre

Went back and on way back, realise that the audio socket was faulty
i was already sian and disappointed by acer service
given the replacement of refurbished motherboard which was not checked through enough

then came the hdd breaking down.
I have never experienced any of my hdd corrupted
i was fed up and i needed to back up my stuff
my 160gb external hdd was with alice and alice has gone to macau

well done!
so i backed up my stuff to another laptop with a 2gb thumbdrive
thank God for a 2gb thumbdrive and not a 512mb one
hdd corrupting result in really slow transfer
a 2gb transfer takes ard half an hour to take place
some photos and files were gone also

wrote a feedback to acer and ask them to give me a call so that i can really feedback to them
waited a couple of days and none called
so i had to call them to direct me to the right person
so that i can direct my grievances to

okie got a satisfactory answer finally
they are gonna replace my laptop with another model
and its brand new =)
coming tomorrow

TravelMate™ 6292-833G25Mn

well this model is a tad heavier which is really a bane as i bring my laptop about and having a light laptop would really be neat. The 3012 which i am holding is only 1.5kg and this is 2.0kg which is abt the same weight as a 14inch i think. I was really attracted to this EEEPC which i saw someone in the neighbourhood using.

At least Acer gave me a satisfactory answer. Was really upset with them abt making multiple trips down to their service centre

okie so i got a new laptop with a 14months warranty
biometric security
250gb--actually its 320gb
3gb ram-- upgraded to 4gb
inbuilt dvd drive
faster processor
win xp--upgrade to vista ultimate

Praise God!!!

cant wait for tomorrow morning.
anyone has vista cd/microsoft office/adobe professional ?

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