Friday, August 24, 2007


Okie, its wee hours and i'm still in school, trying to finish off my tutorials. Need to extra work because next week, a friend from overseas will be here and i will be hosting him for 1.5 days. Dont wanna be lagged behind.

And there's this module that i'm really frustrated about. Recommended textbook is not on sale at the bookstore as the book seemed to be out of print, 2nd handcopies seemed to be extinct, the only one i found online is posted in 2005. The guy probably have sold it or chuck it somewhere else but nevertheless i still email him. The notes are pretty badly prepared without pictures due to copyrights reasons, not much examples. Argh, how do we do the tutorial questions then. To make things worse, its taught by this indian professor that speaks in an accent which i cant really grasp. I struggle in figuring out what he was saying and i am already at the front row seats. This is bad....

Ordered the book through the publisher, hope he can do something abt it. This is terrible....


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