Saturday, August 18, 2007

E78 Sentosa Outing

Today was my first casual cellgroup with E78 and we had it in sentosa. Was pretty excited beforehand because i was hoping to get a proper tan and a good volleyball session. Hmm did we have a good time together? yes. Good proper tanning sun?--Not at all. Lunch was pretty fun which ended with a few of us doing the forfeits for a game. I wouldhave preferred the wasabi sushi rather than the ala carte ginger slice tofu wasabi.

Tofu and how it should be eaten
Tofu and how it should not have been eaten
We have excess drinks(generously sponsored by alvin), and this turned out to be the reward for the games. Weiliang was the big winner!

Weiliang and his winning pose

Then Bruce suggested Luge.

Note: not pronounced as (Loogi/ looger/lar-ger)
Pronounced as Looge(similar to scrooge)

It was pretty costly but i guess everyone went because it was fun going together as a group =) Well it was very much worth the trip .
Eric and catherina in front of us. Cat was pretty scared throughout the entire tram ride. Haha. Good that she has her bodyguard with her.Cat din move her body a bit from where she took the ride till end of the ride =p
Me and Tony playing with the handphone. It went really high up.

Safety Precautions

Racer in makingFrom L to R( Erick, Cat, Evelyn, Audrey)
Pauline with a nice ending pose!


Tram Ride with Tony and Junqiang

tilted video of the ride which ended with me stopping during the ride and getting stuck. =)

Think i would be bring my cousins over for this in 2mths time, think they will enjoy it.

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