Monday, June 04, 2007

Trailer Challenge

Just came back from church. still in pretty much state of shock but i really want to thank God for what has happened and what did not.

- i did not think i would win because it was a last minute piece of work though i took like 9hrs and till abt 3-4am to churn it out, it was a 2nd submission for a missing cd

-i did not think i would win because Aaron's piece of work is really good and mine is not very church's style, i got to admit this year's topic is kinda tough for everyone-ministry recruitment....

-i would not have won--i actually went down to acer to service my laptop and they required me to leave my laptop with them, had i done so, this prize would not have been possible, because that night, tv ministry called to say i need to head down to troubleshoot the video

-i would not have won if wanyun din help me pass the cd to ian

all things seems to fit in perfectly much to my astonishment, knew that i would be getting some prize last night, never thought it would be first. So when Aaron got 2nd, i thought most prob another guy got first and i will receive mine from Bruce.

-am really really glad that the video was screened on big screen though i never get to see it on it due to attachment. was just hoping that more students will enroll for tuition and more tutors will want to sign up.

-received a sms from lillian and it really really meant a lot to me. Went home to verify the number =)

Its times like this when you feel that you could not have won and when you did, you know that you owe it all to a super zai God. This adds another entry into my building fund work year 2006. Was praying and asking God the other day if i will be getting another lump sum blessing just as last year this time and it came to pass!

physically tired. rest well kaishen.

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