Friday, June 01, 2007

Dear God, Emerge Day 1 was great

Dear God,

I had a wonderful time yesterday with you. The atmosphere was really overwhelming and i really enjoyed being in your presence. Session 1 was a good start. Everyone was excited and the atmosphere just escalate from there on. As i was worshipping, you spoke again. Yes, people were speaking in tongues, there was background music, but they all became faint during this time with you and it is such intimate moments which i really hold tightly in my heart. i know that you remember what has happened but i'm here to logged so that there is a "backup". You asked who you are to me. Its so similar to when you asked Peter in the new testament.

Being cautious with what i say, I began to churn out what i learn in my bible studies. As i remembered each and every inidvidual name, i recalled what you have done for me that place this name in my heart.

You are jehovah jireh-my provider. that in every single day, you never fail to provide. Just like a father that provides for his children, a husband that provides for his wife. there were really times when my pockets were empty, my bank accounts were dry but you never fail to send people, send stuff, send open doors.

You asked the same question again. and again and again. It seems to be a "while loop" programming. while >>worship is still playing, keep on asking him. everything came out. from rophe to elohim to emmanuel to jehovah nissi to alpha and omega.

i regretted not memorising my bs notes beforehand so that i got more to offer. in the end , i really gave up.

remembered my last words before you gave a really warm smile.
I couldnt name anymore, threw in the towel. God you are my God. you're really everything to me. i couldnt have come this far without you.

Thank you so much


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