Tuesday, May 08, 2007

thoughts and ramblings

blogger has been acting real weird and its been a long time since i last blog. My prev attempt wasnt successful, which ended with just a title and nothing else.


Things have been happening recently in my life and i am just glad that there is a closure to it. I really thank God for sending people into my life to help me with it. It took me a while which daunt on me that a definite answer isnt important anymore. Its like doing an engine paper, sometimes the right answers arent that important, what is important are the steps towards it. What made me felt good was the burden that is off my chest and that is what it matters and staying accountable to God. Praise God for it! Now its the discipline and obedience to stay true to it and leave God with everything that is in my hands. Let me just say, sometimes it can be quite a struggle between the flesh and the spirit. Your mind says one thing and your flesh says the other. But i know that we can conquer all these with God that is within us for greater is HE that is in me and than any burdens in the world.

-business proposal-
recently embarking on a project with a good friend. Its an idea that came up while i was studying in ntu. Talking about God giving creative ideas!! Both of us felt that the idea was pretty realistic and he has the expertise to do so. Prob this will be the next exciting thing that will be coming up for me within these few months. Going to piece them together and impacting the school community with it.

-weird finances-
been rather tight, however money has been popping up unexpectedly. Was telling anna how cash popped up on saturday. wrote a short message to God on my tithing envelope with the tithe that incurred from the increase. then today cash popped up again, and yet i did not know from where. I tried recalling and i keep records of my potential incoming funds but none of them are like the amt that was transferred. Did someone transfer to the wrong account number? I really hope that its Lao Ba that did the transfer. =)

-Conversations with God-
last 2 services were tremendous for me. I believe that it spoked to many individuals abt the teachings and also to other things in their life respectively. God really reminded me about what He had spoken 2 years ago at around the same time. I had written what he had spoken at the back of my bible and its seldom that i will flip to it during service. It really felt like God flipped to it with intent and the timing plus the date that was on the bible was really spot-on. I wrote in may 2005, i flipped to it in service in may 2007. It was a good 2 years later. Well, it really doesnt seem to be 2 years. It seemed like so loooong. So many things have happened, just within these 2 years. On it, was goals dreams aspiration which God had spoken to me 2 years ago. Shaun coincidently reminded me of it 3 weeks ago and i was touched because she remembered the incident, but this has to be even better. It was like God knocking on your head, telling you smack on in the face. How blur can i get? Time to wake up and stop nuaing.... i want to have a more intimate relationship with God and all else doesnt really matter. =)

Prob God has an instruction manual on how to mould a christian
1. pound on the hard dry out of shape vase
2. pour water to soften everything
3. start kneading
4. moulding and put it under fire.

i am probably at step 1 or step zero right now
with that there's a lot of hard knocking right now in different aspects of my life. but hey! i'm cool about it, i just want to move on in this walk with you

started to relax for the holidays for these past few days. Been looking forward to this since exams started. This holiday felt a bit different for me. I slept early and woke up early with some days around 5am, did my morning jog, caught a movie on my laptop. discussed the project with my friend. Went to visit my grandpa, had a mother's day meal with my mum just now. Went to the gym, did some worship on the guitar , started to revive the fire to learn french again.

Pursuit of happyness is a really good show to catch. Will smith's charcter as Chris gardner was really realistic and touching. It talks about a father's love for his son, on how he tries to pull the family together. Chris gardner is this poor fellow that spends his life saving on bone density machines to sell to hospitals but noone really wants to get it from him since it cost a lot more expensive than the basic equipment which doctors used.
He was inspired on how people make money in selling shares as a stockbrokers and he went to work as an intern with no pay for 6months, leaving him really really broke and they was evicted out of their rented apartment just because he had no cash to pay. His son in the set(which happens to be his real life son) had to sleep with him on buses and even in handicapped toilets.
What was interesting was the setting of the movie which took place in san francisco in 1981, a year where i was born one year after. It was interesting to see how people dressed and how the buildings were back then, and also in the ghetto district which they stayed in.
think after watching the movie, it really makes you want to be a dad someday. =) oh yah the spelling was intended. It doesnt spell with an 'I' if you are sharp to notice.

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