Wednesday, May 09, 2007

being Born Into Brothels

Just finished watching this movie/documentary. Watched it because of the screenplay poster and you sort of know what kind of show this will turn out to be. What surprises me was that the same show which gv is screening NC16 is the same life these young kids having been living with since birth...and its NC16 here. Probably teenagers even at 16 will not understand or relate what these children are going through.

real life documentary which american photographer Zana produced which led to many awards and open paths for the children.
The show gave a real life account on life in the red light district, through the eyes of the children whose parents were sex workers. Apart from the title which made this movie sounds like it belongs to a r(a) category, the whole documentary was taken with taste and left you thinking.

The entire show is about the producer of the movie herself, how she ventured into the redlight districts of Calcutta, wanting to know the actual life by befriending the children, teaching them photography. She later made an impact by going through an extra mile to help the children gets settled in homes. I loved kids and to see them going through all these hardships, at that kind of age, really pains my heart. Com'on, kids in singapore are throwing tantrum just because they cant get the psp which they desired, or wasting their time playing maple on the net while kids down in that place had problems even going into school. To make it worse, the school does not accept them because their parents are criminal offenders and they might have the tendency to be HIV positive given the kind of environment they are in.

Shook my head at what they had gone through and when they shared their dreams and aspirations. but they cant do anything because they are stuck in this poverty cycle. Think being where i am right now, i need to really treasure and appreciate every little thing even more. Thank God that i'm here!!!

those kids really dont deserve to be there...

Given this kind of title, with this kind of movie poster, you would have guessed that it would be an inspirational film. I must say that i must have watched ALL available american football movies there are available. You named it, i have watched it. Not so much that i like the sport, i dont even know the sport. did it last year for a trailer that i had to produce with a football theme. So this movie was like maintaining the fact that i watch all existent football movies. One thing that you can conclude is that they are all so predictable. Anyway this show is a drag to watch and its ending is very predictable.

Think remember the titans, the longest yard etc.bartender guy that was the only guy selected into a state team that is on a losing streak during a open trial, met with problems with the experienced players in the team, cant click with his teammates, in the end,somehow helped his team to win.
6/10 rating as a dvd movie.

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