Friday, May 25, 2007

Coming in and going forth-E198

the ancient e198-- who can you recognise?
from left to right( xiaowan, shaun, jean, huiqin, selena, wanyun, kevin, edwin, shen, gerald, morgan) -all the people you see here are all still in church, some are cgl, ministry leaders, helpers, sot students =) and yes, morgan had dyed hair then.

things that may trigger for those who came during hollywood
-alighting at paya lebar, running from traffic lights to traffic lights so that we would not be late for service

-the tissuepaper man selling tissue paper at different strategic locations at paya lebar

-special discount for chc people at singpost foodcourt, just tell them you are from chc

-cramming in the macdonalds and kfc for bs and fellowship

-having duck rice behind church. pretty kampong style hawker stall

-waiting at the steps for the metal grill to open

-taking a peak at the architecture's impression of the 3d model of jurong west church

-serving PA in church which includes area cleaning-toilets , shifting the chairs

- powerhouse means going down to church on weekday to pray with a chair in front of you, a private place for you and God.

-up to the balcony you go if the main hall is filled.

-leaping during praise at the balcony during praise is pretty scary, esp if you are at the first row

-bible study is at floral naming rooms in lion city hotel eg. chrysanthemum

-there are many flags of diff nations at the back of stage

-when there is a projection screen setup, we know that there would be an exciting update on the building

-Sun led praise and worship

-SCA was formed and Sun was the lead in the musical "angel" at raffles hotel

-attributes means a bookstore pasar malam style. When it rains, brothers would have to bring the tables indoors.

etc etc etc. i believe those who were there at that time would feel connected to some of the points raised in some way or another.

I thank God for E198. Its in this place which i grew, know more about God, inspired by the people and changed in His presence. Kenneth was right in that special phonecall a few years ago. This cellgroup is different. There's no problems at all. I have counted. Its been a good 6 years? Prior to that, i was in a youth group N33 which i later transferred over to E198. E198 has a really special place in my heart. Its a place where i see people grow-physically and spiritually, i see people striving, falling and pulling themselves up again. The rebound factor.

i did may interesting stuff in church before too and this leaves good memories in this walk with Him

-being called back to church at 12midnight to pack devotions.
-sharing personal testimony in front of the bible study class
-water baptism
-cutting prayer list for the entire service on friday nights. yes, prayerlist were handcut not machine cut
-going for tic tac toe talk
-driving a rented van from church to seranggoon to delivery tsunami rations
-serving in children church, acting diff bible roles in front of the children

the next 10, 20,30,40 years will be an exciting journey, no doubt.

So this is it. Am leaving and going over to another cellgroup. Truly when Shaun told me the other day, somehow i was not overwhelmed or surprised. There was really a peace of God to this decision. Of course, leaders do lead their sheep to the right path at the right time and i trust my shepherds. I truly believe that the change will be for the better and looking forward to the things that are ahead. I do hope that i would be effective in His kingdom in e78! After she shared with me, i had a hard time sleeping. Everyone's name popped out when i closed my eyes to sleep.

What great friends i have made over these 6 years! Yes people do come and go but those who stayed on, look at how well they have done! Brothers and sisters that are dear to me and meant a whole great deal =) list is long and here goes:

Shaun: You have been an amazing leader to me. We have been through quite a bit together in e198 and you placed the strength in the group. I am inspired by how you manage to bring forth the message and brings the bible to life. Your willingness to serve has really widen my perspective on serving your leaders and those above you. Thanks for being my shepherd and someone i can trust. You were there in some of the difficult periods in my life and i really appreciate it. Thanks Shaun...

Anna: First day introduce myself to you was at CSC. I dint know who you are and you are still pretty new in the cellgroup. Your no-airs has build up the relationship between yourself and fellow members in the cellgroup including me so easily. Looking at how you served the Lord, going into SoT, doing part time now. I know that its not easy but you chose to obey. Obedience is better than sacrifice. Your harvest will show your labour. An na, you are one of the youngest in the cg but yet you stand as a giant amongst us. =)

Terence: I think i have said this many times to you. I thank God for placing you in the cellgroup. A brother that i can confide and share with. We shared similar visions and dreams and want to do great mighty things for God. You are a very humble person and tries hard to blend and gel with everyone to make them comfortable. Jiayou bah! Know that the journey ahead will be stretching and also an exciting one for you!

Lijun: My impression of you is often related to terence. You guys are just like the youthful-er version of shaun and bruce. Noone will disagree with me if i say that you are a really patient person and very faithful esp in your birthday alarms =) its alarmingly faithful and this has overflowed in the cellgroup from you. =)

Wanyun: Well, you have been a great companion and sister in the cellgroup. Believe that you know me better than the rest. We have been through same schools and had some same good friends. Thanks for all the memories. Lets move on and soar in whatever we do. Glad that you are in SOT and your family is 50% saved. 50 more percent to go. Jiayou!

Jean: Your speech tonight moved me a lot. to think in 6 years together, i din really see you shared something so touching as tonight. prob its pertaining to me thats why. you are a dear sister to me in every aspect. One person that i will miss in the cellgroup would be you. When i came in as a new friend in e198, you were one of the few people that made me feel comfortable and an elder sister to me, shared with me about Jesus. We had really good sessions of bejeweled and scrabble together online. Jean, thanks...

Cindy: You have changed so much from when i first knew you. Would always remember you for being bold in venturing into the unknown upon God's calling for you. The further visitation i ever had was with you when wanyun zhiliang and me visited you at your tuition centre in malaysia and we prayed for safety and for you. Now that you are shifted back to singapore, am pretty sure that you will be attending service and cg more often than before. Soar in the spirit!!

Ris: have shared with you in bs before that all of us are parts of the body of God. Each of us are like a body part that we cannot do without. the thing that i have learnt from you is servanthood and your commitment to the church and your love for God. Flights are easy to arrange but yet we seem to see you every week even though you would have travelled half the globe in the week. would remember your smile and laughter. someone true and friendly. A new friend-magnet.

Bridget: its only in recent one year which i got to know you better. Will always remember you as my car-ride partner after cg/svc. We shared quite a bit in the car and i thought i got to know you better in this way! studying is not easy esp after such a long break, sow in tears and you will reap with joy

Bingbing: i must be one of the few people who called you bingbing. Well, its really a nice name and you should thank God for it =) Though i knew you for just barely a year, we could click pretty well, thanks for being a pillar in the cellgroup! Thanks for praying for me while playing the guitar.

Haoyi: Been fun serving God with you in tuition ministry. Heard about you hearing from God that big things are coming your way, keep on keeping on and cling on ever so tightly to God. Whatever things that may happen, know that God has big plans and purpose for you and He has the big picture. Wont miss too much of you, bcos we're see each other during ministry! =)

Nicole: faithful and reliable treasurer. Out of all the treasurers i have known, you are the most soft spoken one. I wished i had the chance to know you better. Getting married soon?

Morgan: Know that sometimes you cant join us because of ministry, but we had a few conversations here and there. Know that you are embarking on a new course, study hard and grow in the Lord. SOT soon?

Guohong: We were cellgroup members in various instances. its my turn to be transferred out. i was inspired by the reason why you joined dialect church and this reason will always leave an impression in me. Thanks for being the faithful one in red every sunday. All of us could sit together because someone sacrificed and thats you! =)

Alvin: Every tuesday you would call me to pray and we would share. I hope that in the new cellgroup, you would be planted in it really soon and start to do greater things for God. Its not a matter of how old you are but how willing are you. Start seeing yourself as someone that can take the school for Christ. Read the word and pray and you will be amazed at what God can do in your life! You need to do well in your n levels this year. Its very important

Weisiang: When you first came to church for ris' baptism, you shared with me how you were touched when chc ppl visited your grandparents, in my heart i knew that you were someone potential. Then we discussed even more when cindy was hospitalised and we visited her. You were full of doubts and clearly a very science person. I hoped i have convinced you that day, but if not, i know that God has repeatedly convinced you in terms of open doorways for your dad's business, and in your life. from lion corp, we see you move to another engineering company then to SIA. There were times when i smsed you, and you told me you are in church praying. I hope that you have benefitted from the bible studies together. the one at the closed coffeeshop next to the canal was memorable. Cont to grow in the Lord and its time to move up to the next level. I know its a calling but better be keen to receive that call =) my last call with you was memorable, i called you and you were in korea =p

Matt&Geral: when i first heard your name, i was away on holidays in thailand with my family. Everyone said that you were really good and open to God. When i see you, you really reminded me of a child that seeks God. You may not know what to do, you may not know why you do it, but you express your love like a child to his father. A funny guy with a good sense of humour. Will miss the conversations while driving with you. Cont to have this childlike faith and love for God and God will lead you to his secret place. =) Will remember the matthew trademark smile.
Geral, you found yourself a detailed man and a good catch. Hope you have been eating the bread i bought for you =) E198 is a nice warmth family, do join us more often!

Emy: i think i could say that i was the first to know you. you were seated alone with reuben in service and i went up to you asking if you were new in church. Look how time has flown, you are a regular in service and cellgroup and am receiving bible study from anna. Know that some unhappy things happened in the past one year, but you clung onto God and love him even more. Pray that God will lead you from strength to strength.

and last but not least,

Zhiliang: away but not forgotten.a very smart brother with an interesting past. We went though army together, in foxtrot then sispec. We see each other grow and you were someone that is very serving and giving. Many of us would have agreed with that. Hope that you are now enjoying ur time in germany and prob when you are back, you would see a striking improvement in the multiplied cellgroup!

new cellgroup new leader new people new life. This is going to be a remarkable year for me and i cant wait to see what God has in stored for those who loved him.
Jeremiah 17:7 shall stay with me to this cellgroup.

Thanks for the great gift and card =)


Cheryl said...

Brother, u've sowed into my life many times too. Also, thanks for the concern and listening ears at times. Believe that as you move into a new cell, there will b greater breakthru for you. Keep looking forward, for the Lord has great things planned for you. Entrust everything to Him and believe that all things will work out beautiful in His timing.

Hazel aka Qin said...

Wow... Personal msg to each one... Wat abt other ppl? Other old friends??? Hahaha... I remember that photo... I think i still look the same... But think i put on weight le... Hahaha... Still have the same top and jacket... Hee...

Heard abt you moving on to another cg, am quite excited for you cos I know u're going to grow even more in the new cg. Although it'll take some time to adapt and get to know the ppl, but it's really exciting and you'll pushed out of ur comfort zone n really grow in the Lord... Emerge, my bro!!! :)