Sunday, May 27, 2007

Went to a nice country club today with dad and we went to celebrate the one month birthday of ah bin and micheal's baby girl. aint she cute? carried her and she was really a sweet looking girl. She felt so soft and warm =) amazing how God can 'manufacture' and 'create' something out of a womb. The wonders and marvels of God's creation!

It was a function room with 4 restaurant round tables and catering and this guy happen to sit just next to me. Humble looking, nothing spectacular or flamboyant. in 40s. with a rather dull looking polo shirt. He took initiative to walk over and we introduced ourselves. Little did i found out that he is one of the top managements in ST engineering, vice president of some department. What ran at the back of my mind was that in life, its pretty often we see those top management people that are so humble and those the 'above average' being loud and trying to be a showoff or use his rank. Probably that will ring a bell to those who served their 2 years with their ps/csm. Officers are usually soft spoken and pretty humble people. At least those i have known.

another person i met was a jc teacher who happen to also know that couple. She also happen to be the one that the school population detest. Well, of course right now, we understand that its parts and parcel of work and things that she need to enforce upon. We had a nice chit chat and it was good.well, she's a pretty nice person after taking off the teacher's hat. i changed my view on her totally.

Man looks at the outer appearance but God looks at the heart.

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