Sunday, February 04, 2007

Rejoice I say Rejoice!

Today, Pastor announced that it is the 3months mark since the pledge, and 54% of the pledge has been fulfilled! Wow! Pastor Zhuang shared in prayer meet 2 weeks ago that it is his joy to announce that he and Pastor Audrey had fulfilled their building fund too.and I fulfilled mine today. Praise God! 3 months ago, i was asking God if it was ever possible because i have made changes to the amt as compared to the prev years. Its financially stretching given that i am a self employed student. Never thought of fulfilling it in just 3 months. Indeed God is good.

Now i am expecting of something great to burst forth. Be it financially, spiritually, relationships, academically,dreams and visions, God i am expectant of a breakthrough. Your word has always accompanied me throughout the building fund. As we build your house, you will build our house!! All of your promises are yes and amen, no words that precedes from your mouth shall fall to the ground and be void!! am expecting an interview soon, probably in this month, let it be so smooth and well-done!

Am also very excited for the marketplace church to take place. From inside out, everybody is preparing. With Pastor's preaching flowing in line the marketplace church, you could really see it taking place, even before the foundations are being laid, the church within is marketplacing itself .seeing it taking place, Right smack in town, church without walls, birthing the cultural mandate, sending out missionaries to everywhere. We're going to make a BIG impact to the entire region! One building fund less means 2 more to go only! In 3 years time before we move over, i believe the church will be moving in a whole new level as of now! Wonder how big is it going to get. 30,000 40,000 or 50,000, maybe next time chec, church office, everything will combine? Leave it to God and the management, He has the final say on how he want his house to be like.

Pastor Ulf spoke powerfully today on missions. I always like Pastor Ulf. He is really one of God's right hand man. Everything that he says is prophetic to the church. Today's message was a long one yet i enjoyed every single part of it. To me, Pastor seems like a very nice grandfather telling his grandchildren the things that he did and how he served the Lord when he was younger. Its not all glamourous or comfortable in the missions field.He shared on how dirty the eating conditions were, how bullets fly by day. Thats the kind of attitude we should adopt when we serve-it doesnt matter the environment you are in, the situation you are placed, the conditions that you have to go through--just to please Him. No wonder Pastor Ulf and all the great men of God are soaring in the realm of the spirit, ministries are flourishing!

many things to digest over the solid food prepared by Pastor A.R Bernard and Pastor Ulf for the past 2 weeks, wonder how i long i can truly be marinated fully.

But i know it will take me quite some time to get over the joy of fulfiling building fund. Praise God!

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