Saturday, January 27, 2007


the next big thing INSIDE school =) Great that there will be 7-11, wonder if they are open at night too. That would be really convenient for ppl who study late in school. Hope there will be more of such shops in NTU. How about KFC, Starbucks etc?

its been 3 weeks since semester starts. Tutorials are starting to pile up. There would be some reshuffling to lectures due to the coming Chinese New Year in the coming few weeks. Been busy with a lot of stuffs. tuition is one thing that takes up quite a bit of my time. Am in need of more time but felt that i have to be responsible to my students, that is why i am still holding on to the both of them.

Some changes have to be made for this tutor allocated to the student. Been troubling me a bit through this as its rather complicated. Hopefully all these will clear in the following week.

Lectures are going off at a pace that is super fast. Notes for some subjects are pretty insufficient and i have been reading textbooks to understand, but this takes up a lot of time and may cover too much more than syllabus. Really need the strength and capacity.

Doing some major considering if i should do a full attachment rather than a 10 weeks orientation, provided i find a company which would accept me for a full 6mths stint. Sent out a couple of emails, some has replied, others not yet.

Really need full grace and strength. Let me be so focused this semester! =)


Doggie said...

Shen ah...jia you bah... It's not easy, but you'll pull through. Know you're giving it the best that you can...and still squeezing in your supper times! hahaha...

Jio again if got car and another bak kut teh session hor..heehee...

Hmm..and why do i have a feeling you'll be a regular customer at that 7-11 ah?...hahaha..=)

Kaishen said...

just receive the latest news that the 7-11 will open until 9pm on weekdays and 3pm on weekends. Haha, nah i'm nt complaining. I could always go to the one that is opp church =)