Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Financial Testimonies

No, $$ hasnt dropped from heaven yet. The last time i checked, only rain did. Gallons and gallons of rain poured down since last month. Thank God for good government that offered good drainage system and good town planning.

Been experiencing a high volume of little financial testimonies throughout this week.

been sick during this one entire week, all ended after i went for sat service. It was a fantastic service. Delirious was awesome and Pastor preached a powerful message of becoming a new singaporean. Notes for that day is worth 3 page long! Delirious has a solid display of videography during each praise and worship which really brought us through the veil into the holy of holies in double quick time.That service, i laid my hands on my stomach, asking God to heal my one week worth of diarrhoea. It has been a really tiring experience as i fly in and out of the toilet. Even during sat, i was still hoping in and out and the toilet count of the day stands at 6. As i prayed, i could sense healing taking place. Never experienced it in realtime before. I was excited to 'test' it after service. You know how Pastor will ask the people to test if they are really healed. People with the sprain in the neck had to turn their head left and right to feel if there's still any pain. I was tempted to head for the toilet.

sounds gross? but i never did.

In fact after which went out to the cosy cafe for a nice meal and drink with weisiang, cheryl and grace. Finally gave one bible study for weisiang after such a long break. I felt that it was a special bible study and God make it come to pass. We had our bible study at a coffeeshop table that we found outside a coffeeshop that was closed, pushed it out so that we could have it under the street lamps! Bs under the moon! Hope that it was a good bs for weisiang, took extra effort to prepare it that morning.

oh yah....my financial testimony

1. thanksgiving day last year, parked my car on a WHITE marking season parking lot and was given a ticket of $50. Really spoiled my night, as its building fund period and i was really pretty low in fundings. Wrote a letter stating my reasons, and they waived it. God is good. I must be pretty anointed in writing appeals for parking summons. haha. JC GP lessons put to good use! wrote quite a couple in 2006 for my dad and even my relatives!

2. went to cmpb as i was given a charge for not attending my ns ippt session where in fact i had valid reasons because i was sick and was at the camp but end up seeing the doctor. The army officer practically want to push the $50 fine to me and push to close the case. He asked if i pleaded guilty or do i want to appeal through court martial which i felt at the back of my mind was simply ridiculous. Thats how SAF do things....sometimes people do things just to have easy way out and also cover themselves. Holy Spirit really prompts and allows me to speak in boldness to explain my case. Its a bit weird and this is the same kind of feeling i had when i went up to the rental scam guy late last year. The kind of assurance an boldness. Yup....$50 again was once waived off.

3. Got a $100 voucher from starhub. Its extraordinary because they din issue me with one. I asked for it. Ask and it shall be given. Called the centre and asked for a recontract voucher. Sold my phone to a Ntu student at a really good price. Market value was ard $120->$180. Sold my no warranty, edge chipped off, sticker peeling phone at $220.

4. Tmr, am planning to get my new phone, k800i. Hope that they have stock. If nothing goes wrong, i dont have to pay anything for the new phone. In fact, i will get an extra $22 from the sale of the old one. Praise God!

5. Starhub has this promo whereby if a user signs a new service and has 2 services under him, he is entitled to a free dvd camcorder. Spoken to my mum and we're planning to cancel the scv under dad's name to mine so as to enjoy the free samsung dvd camcorder. Worth $899.

6. Tuition assignments that pop out suddenly. Yixiong's $200 commission and Eileen's $95 commission at end of the month, and pending 2 more assignments worth ($75+$130)

hmm...calc all these...
its $50+$50+$50(phone sale)+$100(voucher)+899+$295=$1200++

And what have i been doing these few weeks to enjoy all these?
just thinking of how to finish fulfiling b.f

the power of thought......
wonder what will happen when i fulfil them

Maybe i should look up at the skies again tmr... =)

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