Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pseudo-Tech Blog

Well, Vista came out with SP1 recently, resulting in many many updates on my newly installed Vista Ultimate.

these are the notable changes made

Improved third-party support for software and hardware
Increased application compatibility (updates can be obtained via Windows Update after installation of SP1)
Support for DirectX 10.1
Better responsiveness in resuming, shutting down, and sleep (hibernation)
Some “sleep” problems fixed (Many were unable to put their computer to sleep)

- Reduced power consumption or improved battery life
- Addresses several problems that allow the computer unable to hibernate or go to sleep
- Improves speed for copying files, extracting, and compressing files:

  • 25% faster when copying files locally on the same disk on the same computer
  • 45% faster when copying files from a remote non-Windows Vista system to a SP1 system
  • 50% faster when copying files from a remote SP1 system to a local SP1 system
- Reduced glitches occuring during media performance
- Improves the time to read large images by 50%
- Shutdown time improved
- Improved resume times
- Enhances Firewall and IPsec cryptographic algorithms

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