Saturday, November 10, 2007

All About God!

Heather is 7 now and in the second grade. She still LOVES to sing.

We go to church every Sunday, We even go to Sunday School,
Sometimes I get to go when Mom & Dad teach Youth Group,
I didn't know anything different,
I thought everybody must be Methodist,
But one day I found out there's tons of other church services,

Some have a pool right behind the pulpit,
Some for communion use real wine,
Some have great big, beautiful, heavenly choirs,
Some have attendance of only 8 or 9,
Some have a preacher you could listen to all day,
Some have a preacher who puts you to sleep...,
But it doesn't really matter what you have or you have not
As long as it's, all about God!

There sure are lots of different kinds of people, who like variety THUS all the churches,
We all gotta find one, that has a method, For our own type of, unique madness!
Mom said she found it! It just happens to be Methodist,
She likes the Open hearts, minds, and doors policy,
'Cause God loves everybody!

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