Saturday, September 29, 2007

Some Facts about Nokia 6110 from an ex sony ericsson user

Its 7am and am taking a break from reading notes. Am amazed that i'm still not sleepy. haha but shall force myself to bed. It must have been that redbull that i drank.

been a sony ericsson user ever since i jumped ship to K750i to k800i to k810i
so this time going back to nokia is a pretty reluctant move but still i needed to get this for the project

Shall write in point form since its easier to construct my thoughts at this time
so prob this is my first review on my gadget

weight is slightly heavier than my previous phone buy=t acceptable

dimension is pretty ok, not too big. feels good when you hold it. Good for a guy's palm

slider of the phone feels good, doesnt feels like its a cheap sliding phone, in fact it reminds me of one of the samsung sliding phones. its actually pretty fun sliding in and out.

Camera in front is vga while the rear one is 2 megapixel. when the camera button is pressed without openning the rear lense lid, it switches on the front vga camera. Good for people who wants to camwhore or need a mirror

Buttons on the slider have led lights, amazing thing is that it seems to have a sensor such that under bright light conditions, the led lights wont come up. When lighting is poor, the lights come out pretty nicely.

2 quick access buttons--menu and gps

menu-- able to change theme such that it can show the icons , not just in grid view or list view, but in pretty interesting scrolling forms. other forms are not user friendly but definately a head turner

button-scroll--left right up down scroll is good and of better quality than sony ericsson's joystick. respond better than sony ericsson's

Messages-- pretty awful sms format or maybe i cant get used to it. nokia users should not have problems with it though but i feel sony ericsson's format s much better but i guess that proprietary interface for them

Contacts--again my contact list in sim card now jumbled up because of the nokia way of showing last name first.

Logs--but pt is that it doesnt show how many sms you have sent--previously there is this function in SE. they should have it so that we could keep check. Good point is that they have a log sheet where u can trace activities carried out by the phone eg calling out, receiving calls. previously in sony ericsson they restrict you to only a short list, judging by the long list i have in the phone, keeping such records seems to be of no problems at all

Settings--3dtones(something se doesnt have .....surround sound tones)

GPS--getting your own position needs some time for the receiver to receive the signals and transmit for calculation. i cant get any location when i am in a hdb flat.
Routes are not the best route but it ensure that u get there

map is by route 66 and is different from map provided for N95. think one of these days i should try catherina's one

This is FREE OF CHARGE SERVICE. you can use it even with no sim card inside. Not happy with the map? online forumers have tried to install mapking successfully and use the built in GPS receiver.

AGPS--this is chargeable according to GPRS. it helps u capture ur location faster by data transmission through GPRS. GPRS is not equal to GPS. 2 different things actually. You can offset it so that you wont use it.

Symbian interface--symbian seems to run pretty fast on this set with no problems and the phone is able to open more than 1 program at one time. Meaning , i can GPS and read sms and go back to my GPS without exiting.

main page of my phone resembles PDA's today page so that all your appointments can surface on this page

Speakers--pretty loud or should i say really quite loud for a phone though when it is at maximum, it experiences noise but thats expected.

Battery--pretty ok, prob for normal ppl its 2 days a charge. If you are using GPS, probably you will need to charge it everyday

Infra-red--non existent
WIFI-non existent and would you want to surf with such a small device?

screen-good colours. infact has more colours than k810i. screen size is small but good enough for GPS. You dont keep on looking at the screen while driving anyway

Text to Voice--haha, i just tried this function, it READS your new incoming sms messages. how cool can it get. haha. good effort nokia!

camera: bad bad bad. doesnt even measure up to my k750i 2 megapixel phone. Under good lighting, it should decent photos, under bad lightings, photos come out with too much noise, grainy. night pics are ard same quality for 1.3 megapixels.

Car Kit--fit the phone set snuggly, in fact it fits any size. comes with car handphone charger so its pretty thoughtful, judging by the fact the battery drains if u use GPS. I like the fact that u can just place ur phone in the set and when there's a call, you can just speak to the speakphone and it faces right in front of u while driving. Huiqing will be pleased to know that!

All in all, pretty decent phone with bombastic functions. It would have been sweeter if the camera could be more decent.

okie back to study le.

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