Saturday, September 01, 2007

Fulfiling day

Teacher's day meal today with the guys at CHEC tuition. Its really nice place to have a meal in. Its the sort of place you will bring your partner to dinner, with live jazz band at night. Good ambience great people. Realise that through such outings, you get to know your ministry mates better. Haha.

The menu din look that nice. in fact it looked kinda cheap

Onion Soup for starters

Bgig/small Jasmine, oh yah the one on jasmine's table is Pork Rib BBQ with spag
My leng fish

Succulent good quality meat

We had a bit of Wine- not that sweet but pretty smooth i should say compliment the meal pretty well and it was complimentary!Escargots! My first time trying this!
Oysters- din really like them though, but i dont really like hum, mussels,
Tiramisu for desert - one of the better standard tiramisu i have tried, but prob because i'm not really a cake person.

So it was a fulfiling meal and Pastor preached a really solid message today. The message which he shared has so much solid stuff that i took out my laptop to type while He shared. I would not think that the space on the notes which he gave has enough space for it. Spiritually, it acts as a pacifier for me. Its really a tough week for me and i got more to face this coming week, and the presence of God just clothe me like a pacifier is to a baby.I'm glad i came.

Well its back to java-ing for me. HELP!! i prob need to read another 200 pages today and tmr!


Saturday, September 01, 2007

6:14 PM

Being a real believer requires you to make a choice

In this christian life, there is no abstaining of choosing

Matt 7:15 Jesus is warning of presence of clear danger, of false prophets because they really exist

Jesus says that in the end times there will be people that will lead people astray

God doesn’t want us to be simpleton and gullible

A false prophet claims to have hear from God and is promoting a lie, an untruth

False Prophets Characteristics:

They will say peace and there is no peace

False teachers have been saying the same thing over and over again, instead allowing the church to be in a false sense of peace

Experts in blurring the area

They make it hard for people to pursue the narrow way

They teach the narrow way is actually the broad way

Wolves are dangerous because they are disguised like sheeps

False teacher will never ask people to come with their true intentions

Sheeps have one of the smallest brain amongst animals

Sheeps forgets their direction every single day

Beware what lies under its fleece, is it a sheep or wolf

To recognise that, check out its fruits

Everyone will manifest its own nature

What are the fruits to inspect in a prophet or teacher?

  1. Man

If you don’t see te attributes of the fruit of the spirit, most probably he is an imposter.

  1. Message

Sooner or later, the false prophet's true natiure will come forth

Come and ask yourself whether it is inline with the word of God

Berea Christians checked what Paul said is inline with what the bible says

Our loyalty to church cannot be greater to your love for God

Our loyalty to the pastor cannot be greater to our love for God

  1. Influence

Matt 17:17-20

What kind of fruit does this false prophets produce. What kind of disciples does he raise up?

Do they lack spiritual discipline

Are they honest people and of consecration

Do they love God whole heartedly and people fervently

False prophet brings forth a dangerous message because the truth matters

You cant build a church on a lie

You can build your Christian life on a lie

There will be heresies that that be promoting lawlessness

Matt 17:20-23

Pastor Kong came from a legalistic upbringing

In the end times, the bigger danger is not legalism but lawlessness

The broad way that leads to destruction is antinomianism

Anti: Against

Nomos: Laws

The system of heresy associated with lawlessness is Antinomianism

Antinomian do not want or believe the ten commandments

They often quote that the law is through Moses and law and grace is through Jesus.

But the moral la of God is the moral values of God

The moral law of God is the 10 commandments

Jesus came to fulfil the law-- Matt5:17

The law of Moses was just the messenger, he did not create the law. It was created by God

Moses has no power but Jesus gave us the good news and the grace to obey the law

  1. Grace does not absolve is from the 10 commandments

Romans 5: 20-21 Whenever there is sin around, God's grace is able to give us the power to overcome them

Antinomian quote that the more sin we commit, the more grace we will receive

Giving ourselves the reason to sin is just a lame excuse

Romans 6:14 "not under law but under grace"

Paul anticipated this danger Romans6:15

Just because you are a good driver doesn’t mean that you don’t need highway code

  1. Grace is not the license to sin

You can have grace abuse- you can distort grace from something beautiful to something destructive

A lot of antinomian believe that God's forgiveness allow us to lead immoral life

  1. Grace does not absolve us from confession

To condone an evil is simply to ignore it, to treat it as if it were good…a man who admits no guilt can accept no forgiveness- C.S Lewis

Forgiveness can only be present when there is genuine desire to repent from sin

Alcoholics have to admit that they are alcoholic otherwise they cant come out of it

  1. Grace does not absolve us from sanctification

1Thess 4:3 growing towards holiness is something that requires a lifetime

False preachers will feel that there is no need for sanctification

Promises: bible promises

Us: Christians

  1. Grace does not excuse us from works

Antinomians like to quote Ephesians 2 :8

True faith produces actions

Bible gives us the 7 pillars of Faith

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that,

  1. Denying ungodliness
  2. Worldly lust
  3. Live soberly
  4. Live righteously
  5. Godly
  6. Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearance in front of God our saviour in all things

We are created for good works and as people of destiny

The true Christian life is one of holiness and purity

The true Christian lives responsibly Before God

Where did u get saved the first place

If you want to cont in sin, you wont want to be saved at all.

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