Friday, August 10, 2007

Tutor's Cellgroup

Ever seen a high tech cellgroup game? Well today i had my very first encounter. We did win lose or draw on CHEC's very own smart board. It was pretty fun, just that the stuff to draw were pretty hard to guess. I had to draw a "vga cable" haha. very intellectual indeed!

Tutors fellowship was simple. No praise, no testimony, no preaching. Just one worship song and bamm the presence of God was there. It came really instantly as we sang the song. Its just so simple. I was really ministered to during worship and God really spoke to me abt Him being the controller of my life. Just like in a game of basketball, different players play different positions. God is the controller of the game, he direct our paths, he sees the big picture and he give instructions. Whether we heed His advice, its all to our free play, but if we choose to disobey, we will definately lose the game!

Kenny shared a offering message which provided a great insight. He shared abt the bible calling us to move from faith to faith, glory to glory. Often people have no problems with moving glory to glory. We have no probs changing from 3 room flat to a 4 room to a 5 room, no problems from changing cars to bigger cars, no problem from one income upgrading to another income. But its always the faith to faith part which we struggle with. Often we struggle with the mindset that we adopt from our lifestyles and experience that comes from the society-the secular. But God doesnt work the natural, he works the supernatural. FAith to faith precedes glory to glory. God is not interested in our sudden surge of faith. We dont need to wait for Dr john avanzini to bring forth a mega giving message before we give a good offering. God isnt looking for a hyped up giver but a consistent giver and that is how He lift us to the next level. Was really challenged by what Kenny has shared and it brought me to another perspective.

Am excited over A R Bernard's service. Think its gonna be awesome. Recently i have been lazy with blogging much stuff. Adding photos is so much easier....

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