Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Copyrights Issue BUT GOD

Firstly lecture, my indian prof mentioned that for some of the notes, diagrams have been taken out due to copyrights issue. Mine wasnt because i got them straight from the photocopy shop and prob that amendment was done later. But still, just check my tutorials today and wow, he really took some diagrams out. Poor prof has to draw the diagram himself. Well, he could have used a ruler though...
this is one of the chim modules. 3rd lecture and i'm already pretty lost. EE4285 computational intelligence. Jiayou bah kaishen!

Read Pastor Phil's BUT GOD during my free periods. must say that its really a very good book to read, was very inspired by the examples drawn from the bible. BUT GOD happened 60 over times in the bible
and each time when a disaster or calamity occurred, God stepped in and restored everything. Its really a good book for everyone. If you are always a kan chiong spider, you need the book. If you are always feeling insecured, you need this book. Nice photos on each page and its really a book for simply reads and good pondering as Pastor shares his insights.

Think many times in life, there are BUTS popping out. "BUT exams are coming up....BUT i have no cash...BUT my dog is sick...BUT i have no confidence....BUT i feeel guilty...", but we just forget that there is a bigger BUT factor in our lives that overrules all the problems that is taking place.


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