Monday, July 16, 2007

Under the Covering of God

Things have been going so smoothly in my life recently that its almost scary. I cant remember the last time when something awful actually happened within these few weeks. It's almost like what Pastor would mention about, life as a bed of roses, and i truly believe that its because of God's covering, that is why i am enjoying all these.
Ever since transferring over to another cellgroup, this entire thing i have been experiencing, seemed like a doorgift/welcome gift from God and i am totally enjoying it. Its when you are being under the cover of God, everything seems to be so smooth. Well, i'm not saying that nothing will go wrong, but what i am saying is that even if things had to go wrong, God will make it right. Is that why we called God the 'most high' because he is the coverer for all of us here?
Just a few weeks ago, i received a speeding ticket. No i wasnt going at 'initial d' speed. In fact, i drove at 82km/hr but i admit i was at fault the speed limit was held at 70km/hr. so there was the unexpected flash and it did caught me by surprise since i did not feel i was going fast. The ticket came on saturday. Well it did not caught me by surprise and i knew i had to pay up. there is no way i could reason with the traffic police for this blunder. What caught me by surprise was that i need not pay for the fine or demerit points. The letter turn out to be a warning letter stating that i could have been fine $130 and 4 demerit points. Its nothing to be proud of but i thank God that He kept me really well covered. The angels must be really hard at work here.
Woke up slightly later for service on sunday and i knew that's it. I'm going to be late and i'm suppose to book the seats for cg and we are expecting so many friends that service. All these turns out well, erick and cat gave me a ride to expo. End up even earlier than alice...gaga...
Maybe next week, i shall try to overslept again and see if there's going to be a free ride again... pray that erick gets the van again this weekend =)
God, can i just test you this once again? =)

Psalm 140:7 O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, You have covered my head in the day of battle.

God, Cover my head every single day as i walk with you, ok? =)

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