Saturday, June 23, 2007

Recent Complains

Recently a company just increased her price on her various packages and that stirred up quite a few comments on the net, press everywhere. my family was affected and we are still under contract. So neither could we terminate it or do anything about it but to pay the extra $4++. This is really ridiculous. A promise that could be broken really disappoints the consumers. Probably the authorities should really do something about it, like offering consumers another option other that company. When a telco first came up, it monopolises the entire handphone market. Prices were high because there were no competition and plans were at so much high rates. then MDA offers company A and company B which results in more competitive prices! I think they should do for tv also.

Breaking a contract like this is like ordering chicken rice, paid $2 for it, taken the first bite and the boss comes back and tell u that while you are eating, he has increased the price to $3

Its like buying a psp at simlim, paid the money and you thought that you have the full set, little that u know that the price you pay does not include the battery and adapter, and you have to fork out extra money to ge these items.

Thank God that I have a covenant keeping God. A God that delivers what he promises. With credibility comes people. Someone that is uncredible, you wont want to associate with him.
Its no wonder why the christian population is growing.

much said, i just have to live with my $4 increased imposed and live with it with another 15mths. Wonder if the company provides any increment offsets just like our gst offsets.

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