Thursday, June 14, 2007

cant sleep....

2:30am now and i cant really sleep, been thinking of how i can arrange my subjects for this coming semester wisely and what subjects to register. The following 2 semester is going to be crucial and stretching for me. FYP shall be on the way. Electives piles up like a mountain waiting for me to clear. Bible says that we shall speak to the mountains and they shall move. what shall i do? thinking that it might not be a wise idea to teach tuitions like previous semesters but textbooks/notes/food/transport/handphone>>how? marina square voucher can buy textbooks?allowance from parents>how much would be enough. the last time i received allowance was 7 years ago when i was 18. whats the market rate now?

this coming semester shall be a total different ball game. every sem you learn new ways of studying and practise it in the next sem.

mind is choke up with stuffs that is coming in the way. I want to start the sem right yet i dont want to shortchange seeking God. I would rather cut down on other things than trade it for the His presence.

God do a miracle in every aspects of my life, clinging onto you always

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