Friday, May 04, 2007

Monster Rojak

Things often come in different sizes.
Mode of transport ranges from bicycle all the way to aeroplane
Means of Sheltar ranges from a leaf habitat for insects to Huge mansion for humans
Today i just saw a Monster Rojak Store. It should be the biggest i have ever seen, the tze char store in comparison seems smaller. The boss even came up with set meals for rojak. $5 for family feast. People who knew me would have known that i loved rojak.Was so tempted to patronise this store. Its a serangoon central by the way.

Had a really good sharing session with sze yin. She shared on what was going on in her life and i shared what went on in my life. The session was unplanned and imprompt to due to a blunder i made but it was a good fruitful time in seranggoon..thanks szeyin, you made a difference =)

Received a sms from anna halfway through our conversation. Her cousin is going through a terminal disease and has 1-2 weeks left. i really hope the boy can pull through. Such a young child and he has to go through all these. Bright future ahead. Fighting Spirit will be with you!! You need to pull through this!! Jiayou, i'll be praying for you...

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