Friday, May 18, 2007


Was at a mini class gathering recently, no actually its just the 3 of us guys who met up for supper after multiple coordinations. We tried to recall how everyone is doing now. All seems to be doing pretty well, big names like JPmorgan, KPMG, Singtel, etc, one of the guys i met is starting work today at MAS. Not that surprising though since we all came from a good school so it was kinda expected. So, we came to recall about this friend who decides to take an alternate path, dropped out of the education system when her grades would have admitted her into uni. Instead she chose to work and would be getting married soon to someone much much older than her. Prob, that is what she has wanted in the first place and might be happy in where she is now. We came to talk about this other friend which i knew, dropped out of school also, last time i heard, he was a cargo truck driver. He would have done well if he has not dropped out of school.

Much as the girl or guy is happy with what he is having now, prob it smthing that we all cannot relate to. No offence to anyone, but sometimes slight deviations do cause a big consequence somewhere down the lane. They have deviated from the original path.

Its like when we go for our ATP shooting in the army. A slight deviation from the target board, a misjudgement, would lead you to a no hit on the target board.

Tangent theta = Opposite/adjacent, when the adjacent is very long, even though the deviation might be very small, opposite side will still be a big deviation. Adjacent is just like our time factor, our future which is still a long way to go.

what happens in the natural happens in the supernatural also.

God really reminded me of this again during worship last night and it was a man with an arrow, trying to aim and shoot at the target board. The target board represents God, the presence of God. We always try to aim at the bullseye. However, sometimes things do happen, we get ride over by emotions, by disappointments by people, by God, or just work, studies, exams, datelines, and we tend to look at the problems at the back of our head when we shoot the arrow. This causes an initial slight deviation from the target board which results in a no-hit

an archer needs to be very very focus. Focus on the spiritual things of the Lord. Not on the problems but on the problem solver, not on the disappointments of people but the promises of God, not on the "what i have not done" but the "what He is able to do"

This reminded me of what happens a few years ago in the army. It was pouring and pouring and there were instructions for the training to be cancelled and we need to get back to camp. We were all in the forest and had to run back, single file and i was the last few people in the line. I was carrying an extra weapon and it was pretty heavy, tired as i was, my blurred glasses did not make things any better. I kept on try to clean the lenses with my wet uniform The forest was dark, given the weather and no street lamps. We ran fast and suddenly someone pulled me back. I had ran the wrong path. It was so dark that i cant see the person in frnt of me and deviated. Someone pulled me back again.

Same goes with deviating with God, focus on him and cling on to his word. I just want to get back to the first love with Him. =)

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