Friday, April 20, 2007

To do list

came back from cellgroup yesterday, was sick last evening but still, i was really excited for cellgroup since morning. And yesterday's excitement seems more than usual, and i was expectant of something to come up. Indeed, the presence of God was overwhelm. Shaun preached a message which was in really in season for me. Every single point was like a reminder. It really led me to thing what i should start doing and what i should stop.

came back home with a throbbing headache, it was pretty bad even until now when i am typing this. Was feeling cold last night and i felt that a fever might be coming up. I bind every spirit of illness and discomfort in Jesus' name!!! I shall be made well and kept well because God is doctor God!

Things to do today

1. revise 3003 first half and tutorials
2. revise 3017 first half

though the list is short, it sounds like a feat to me. let it be a fruitful day as i commit to you this day =)

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