Sunday, April 15, 2007


i'm tired, fighting a battle between the flesh and spirit. The given conditions arent that encouraging also. with lots of dy/dx and funny looking symbols. okie am at this page right now, so thought of print screen for all that is reading. Oh yah the one that looks like the letter N is called eta and is the intrinsic impedence. Basically we know that when there is current that is time varying, there will be an electromagnetic wave that will propagate and when it propagates through different mediums, it will deflect and we call that oblique incidence. Parts of the incidence EM waves will reflect while the transmitted waves will be deflected slightly. Notice the similarity between the incident wave and the reflected wave? that is because it is still within the same medium, just that their directions are different. To find the H which is the magnetic field component, we divide E which is electric field by the intrinsic impedence. Okie.. 80 more pages like this before i finish the set, then i shall start on the 3rd set. How wondeful is that! Praise God for exams....I need strength and fire!

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