Sunday, April 01, 2007

Misc Updates and thoughts.

Its been some time since i wrote about myself. Things that has happened or going to happen.
School-- just realised that today is April Fools Day which means that i still have 18 days before my exams commence. I need to step up on my revision otherwise i am not going to finish my stuff. My room's been messy and i really need to do a brief cleanup, books, notes files are everywhere. This 3 weeks, its going to be fun and challenging, i guess after i graduate, one of the moments that i will remember the most is preparing for exams. Amidst of the exam period, i still have a forecasted wedding dinner to attend. On top of that, there's a trailer challenge and a preaching sermon to prepare. Siao Liao....God i need capacity and strength!!

Been doing much more in ministry and i thank God for the opportunity to serve. Last month, i was attached to Lye Heng as a teaching assistant and sat through his class. 2 weeks ago, Jasmine got me to take a class 15 mins before the lesson would start. Thank God for past tution experience, i did not freak out. Haha, its becoming a routine for me when i teach algebra. Everything i said, is well rehearsed, examples given, funny illustrations were all repeated umpteen times with past students. There's one extra student this coming week, i hope all 3 will come and hope i can sustain and grow this class! Tutors in tuition ministry and an intellect bunch of people, sometimes i do wonder if i fall in the same league as them, all i want to do is to impart and impact the youths, something which God has called me to do.

Breathing has been hard for me recently. Its quite bad actually. I do think i need some "breathing space". think i should find time to relax otherwise it's going to be really distracting.

Anyway, as of next week, i will be jobless. I think this is the only one time in 4 years that i got a break in tuition. Need to really find a tuition fast. Reason that the dad gave me to stop the tuition was that i am not fierce enough. Sigh, what was he thinking? Who am i to cane him? I understand the importance of sparing the rod and spoil the child but the child is not mine! Am disappointed as i put in effort in this tuition and treated sinkai as someone i really loved. What is so ironic is that I just drop darrell. A friend told me to ask my parents for allowance instead. I do hope that I wont have to do that. Havent been receiving allowances since 18.

It used to be trying to plan for tuition slots and remembering when to collect the fees that is on my mind, now its the burden of finding a job to finance myself that is on my mind. Been praying for tuition to come in my way soon. I do have savings but with zilch input, the output wont last too long. My God is rich, i shall not worry too much...Sometimes people ask me why i believe so much in God, those who knew me earlier, ppl i knew in sec sch , would never have thought i would be a christian or be so spiritually seeking. But in fact, when you see what God has done in your life, its hard not to believe. What is there to lose when you have nothing and He has everything?

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