Sunday, March 11, 2007

**Love Actually**

Warning: long post ahead.

Yesterday was a pretty long day for me . Arrived at Riverwalk with Alvin for the Tic Tac Toe event at 1:30pm. Made extra sure that we weren’t late otherwise we might be penalised for punctuality. Din know what to expect as Shaun din also say much what it was about, just that it was an all brothers event. The session lasted a good 2.5 hours with Jeremy sharing and teaching. I must say that Jeremy did a really good job in relating the different points, directing them back to the word of God. Attendance was pretty good for the event, considering that some guys might shun away from such events. I participated because it will be good to know how I can improve myself and gear up in future. Of course, I do not intend to get involved in any sooner but that doesn’t mean that I will be undergoing celibacy. Jeremy told all guys to list down the 10 criteria you would look for in a mate. Haha, some guys suggested stuff like “can cook” , “ no mood swings” or “tall” or “with cultural mandate”etc, some guys suggested stuff that seems like they are looking for a perfect 10 mate but a look at them doesn’t seem to measure up to that perfect 10 either.

Fear of the Lord is top on my list. Someone is spiritual and fears God. I believe this is important such that when it comes to sharing spiritual stuff, you can sharpens each others iron, push each other along in this race. It makes it so easy to share with someone that is spiritually yoke with you, that when it comes to things of the spirit or the rhema word of God, the person could relate to it and be edified rather than finding it spooky or boring. Someone that has the same vision with you really helps in a relationship because it’s the vision that drives this relationship along. I feel that its like petrol in a car, petrol needs to be topped up constantly .

Communication is next on my list. Not just to listen but able to share. Not just weather talk but a confidante, someone that you can confide in and a listener to.

Good family relations is important. Always believed that how you can judge a person is by how he is like with his friends and family, rather than how he/she treats you.

Good Character and family upbringing, faithful, pleasant looking, understanding, being sharp are also on my list and are equally impt , someone mentioned that these things are common traits to a girl—hmm not necessary so.

So whats on your list???

The entire session was done in really good pace and structure. Am not desperate or am at a looking stage but hey! These are stuff that you would have thought about.

The session covers aspects like character, qualities a man needs to have.

Excerpt from the notes:

“In marriage, character is gentleness

In home, character is respect

In Business, character is integrity

In society, character is courtesy

In workplace, Character is diligence

In sports, Character is fairness

In relationships, character is kindness

Towards the successful, character is to share joy

Towards the victims, character is protection

Towards those who did wrong, character is resistance

Towards the less fortunate, character is hand out

Towards the strong, character is trust

Toward the repentant, character is restoration

Towards yourself character is willingness to hear the truth

Towards God, character is reverence, love and commitment.”

It really reminded me of those manhood seminars in hollywood theatre whereby Pastor Kong will teach to exclusively brothers.

After the session at 4pm, I headed down for service straight, manage to be there on time and sat really near the front, so that I may receive even more from Sy Rogers. As usual and His forte, Sy Rogers shared on sexuality and the pile of 12 stones which God used to remind the people of his existence. One thing that striked me was the analogy Bro Sy drew from the adam sandler movie “50 first dates”.

The story is about drew Barrymore having amnesia due to a car accident and had amnesia. The problem with that is that her memory will wiped up every day . Every day she wakes up, her memory still remains at the day before she crashed her car. And so happen that Adam liked her and tries to woo her , but everyday when he gets her, she loses her memory and Adam has to try again

And again

And again

That explains the title where every single date is like a first date

Yes. Our relationship should just be like this.

Sometimes when you have been walking with God long enough, you tend to take God for granted. God no longer amazes you. Everything becomes like a religious obligation. Every Sunday you pop out of bed, go church, go through the motion of praise worship sermon, then join in the fellowship with your friends and go home. And you feel that the best part of the day is having lunch with your friend. Everything goes into a routine.

Our walk with God should be rekindled every single day. Every brand new day, you fall in love with God again, just as if you are going on a first date with God. You become sensitive to each and every whisper, each and every word that He speaks. You no longer take everything for granted.You begain to appreciate every little thing. Your calling from God is not something that God has a favour from you but something that he has appointed you to receive. You began to go back to the first love with God. Recently God just showed me an illustration of a waterfall. It’s the most scenic waterfall I have seen. The colours were rich, the sound of the water was crispy clear with the sound of forest in the background. HDTV quality!! Its something that really speaks to me and encourages me. This is the kind of little “smses” God sends over!!

After service, rushed down to tutor Darrell. His mum called and said that tuition will be held at her place instead and she needed to talk to me. Over the phone, I told her I would like to drop the tuition. Think this is one of the few times that I dropped a tuition. Always held this belief that with the right chemistry and willingness, the student can improve in his grades. Nothing is impossible. Over in this case, the student is unwilling. Its no use paying lip service and say that you are willing and would like to get good grades(who wont?) but with a lousy attitude. Its been rather stressful teaching him when you need to produce results but the variables are not budging

“Y= A +B”

How can Y increase when variable A and variable B doesn’t? Felt that I needed to move on from this tuition of 3 years. Instead of trying to cling on to it because I love him as a friend, the best thing I could do is that he finds another tutor. This time, I can conc on my sinkai and make sure he does well for his exams.

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