Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Case Study #1/2007

Hmm what is this world coming to?
was walking pass the handphone shop when i notice the boy giving "black face" to his grandfather because he wants to get a new handphone while the grandfather suggested to him that he should get a cheap 2nd hand one.

This boy looks so young, he looks like he is still in lower primary!!What is he going to do with a handphone? The guy at the shop was recommending an old phone with gprs and mms and still the boy wasnt happy with it.

i seriously think kids nowadays are maturing way too fast, and asking for too much le! i still remember i had my 1st cellphone when i was 17!!

wonder whether next time when i have children, will they be asking for laptops, pdas when they are still in primary school...

Bible says spare the rod and spoil the child. I'm a Pro-Caner. Haha. Ask and it shall be given. When my kids(next time) ask for too much, they shall get it(frm me).

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