Thursday, December 21, 2006

Actually Love

its 3am now...
tonight is kinda special.
had the opportunity to talk to 2 christian brothers about the bgr problem they are gg through in their life.
both are equally sore and hurt
and i am no aunt agony but i do provide a listening ear
Nah they arent from our church =)

it really brought me back to what the bible says in 2nd corinthians that we should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Both have similar cause. I managed to call one of them, on the intention of getting a song from him for the thanksgiving video but end up talking for ard 1.5hours about what is happening in his life.

Sometimes we do misread God's reply and derive it as what we desire deep down our hearts and we go ahead thinking that it was sign from Jehovah God when it is not. Pastor shared this before,the rhema word can never override the logos. Whatever God has spoken, it will never defy what the word has said, for the truth is still the truth.

Of course emphasising all this to my friend, will only add salt to his wound. His reason for what happened was because He was late, the girl got attached a few days before he proposed. Sometimes, i do wonder if God is trying to teach him in a humorous way. The brother is really sad and i do feel for him. He was with him when i was really down in army. There is really this spirit to spirit heart to heart connection between us and i do want to share his burden.

He was sharing that over the last few months, he did a lot of touching stuff and i really felt that the boy was really hurt on what happen. It touches my heart when i knew the things that he did. But i told him that he needs to take time to recover, since all has already happened.

Told him that to recover, he needs to be willing. Much as all the friends can comfort him and share with him, he needs to not dwell in the past and move on. He needs to stop putting salt on his wounds. Throughout the whole conversation, it will always go back to blaming himself for being too late, or procrastinating.

but yet hurt, he cared about the feelings for the girl which i felt was really job welldone. Many times, guys would often make it worse for the girl by doing things that will make the girl feel bad. He didnt.

i thank God for the wisdom throughout the whole conversation. God's timing is impt. The girl might be right for him but the timing is definitely wrong. Was extra sensitive when i told him abt why he want to be with her in the first place yet want to make it clear to him that its not right.

Felt that the phone call today with him was really Godplanned. Hope that the sharing and prayer really made a difference in this bad patch that he is going through.

Clyde, if you are reading this....know that i am always here =)

just now i had a pretty good dinner and manage to get some xmas shopping done. Praise God for that!

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