Sunday, December 31, 2006

Dear God..

Dear God,

2 more hours and it will be a brand new year. Just felt like writing to you to thank you for this year. I must admit that i did not start this year well, I remember last year this same time, i was feeling sore and hurt over some things, was disappointed in people and stuffs, but God you never fail to comfort and encourage in my times of needs. Remembering those times when i heard from you, when you painted pictures in my mind, really put a smile on my face and this really pushes me forward. People reading this blog may not understand this relationship i had with you, they may even find it weird to think that i write to you, but really, you are so tangible to me. The only reason why it seems weird is because they did not have an encounter with you.

God you knows that i am not really academically inclined though i try hard to do my best. I just want to say a big thank you for being a mentor to me whenever i felt like giving up on my formulas, on the concepts. This coming 2007, i'm determined to do better. EEE is challenging but i know that you are with me!

You brought forth finances when i needed them, and even more abundantly than what i could ever imagine. I always hear people sharing testimonies of how they receive cash from a certain person or company but i never thought that i could experience this as i do not really have such people around me but you expanded my mindset. That's how i could get the corporate video job. Throughout this year, i must admit there are times when i am poor, but not till i am in lack, and it never lasted long.

Some things happened this year which i do not really know how to react and i thank you for being always there to guide. I think i dont have to say it out specifically but you know what i went through this year, be it the rental car incident, my last sem's results etc etc

God i thank you for people that are in the new e198(the new and old people). They are good friends which i really treasure! They are all great people in their own special way, be it in ministry, in cellgroup or in their marketplace.

There are so many things which i shared with you everyday that i dont know where to start from but you always seem to know my heart and i just want to say a big thank you to you for being such my friend, my shepherd, my heavenly father.

Looking forward in a dynamic year with you,

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