Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Still No Donations...

Maybe God has a paypal account which he can transfer funds over =)
Recently i just replaced my UOB debit card, the card was promptly delivered to my place of which i had to link it up with my bank account and send a reply back to the bank. Apparently, the password that was supposed to reach me never did, and i waited and waited while all my hardcopy cash are running dry. But i did not hasten the process, only to call back UOB after 2 week's of waiting. Realise that one could save a lot of money when he's impossible to draw cash! Of course, i still have my good old mini card which is only visa-friendly and un-nets-able. This exam period, i think i have saved more than usual. Without the hard core cash, suppers will tremendously minimised as i just relied on visa, and macdonalds and hawker food doesn't accept visa. Pretty pleased with myself on the saving part, the password should be arriving within these few days, gonna save save save.

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