Thursday, November 09, 2006

Camp Calgary Part1

the final week of my canada trip is my 1st camping trip after such a long time(of course we dont count camps in army), so i was pretty excited when my aunt told me i will be sleeping in tentages. Being a boy scout for many many years, of course this was peanuts to me. I could sleep anywhere! It was pretty weird camping with the rest of the 3 families as i hardly know them. But i guess all knew each other better just as in any camps.

The day started with us meeting up for convoy . Walkie talkies were passed to each car so that we could communicate during the drive and warn each other of anything on the road. The drive was really really long.. 12hours drive

the plan was to go from calgary>>bc>>kelowna>>calgary

Of course we werent bored in the car, esp not in our car with lots of goodies from singapore and canada to munch on
one of the toilet break stops for our dear drivers to do some stretching

nice wallpaper standard pic that i took in the car!
There was a creepy event that took place at Hope which gave all of us the shivers. what a place it was!! It never failed to give people the creeps whenever i narrate it.haha We stoppe at 1am at the horseshoe bay terminal. It was really cold and everyone was tired. We slept in the car waiting to go up theferry the very next morning.

on the ferry to Nanaimo!!
this photo was taken in double quick time, freezing cold out at the deck!
cars parked inside the ferry!!

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