Wednesday, November 15, 2006

1st day of exams

This is what was placed in every tutorial room. The rules and regulations.... i know some may sound ridiculous but trust me, they are there for a reason because someone out there has done it before. Tutorial rooms must be one of the most happening places during exam periods. People studying mugging nuaing. A all in one conducive place to study whereby you have the whole entire room to yourself. Ntu patrons (not just ntu students) will know this, chairs will often be seen outside the many tutorial rms , brought out by the freezing student to study outside. Doors and windows will be left open to allow the cold air out. Interesting signages will be left outside the door to notify users that rooms is occupied so that they will not barge in. One of the most interesting signages seen was "room occupied and open for pretty girls only". gao siao....
people bring in their mattress and appliaces for a chalet stay in school. Just last night, i saw someone with an electric kettle. common food are delivery food such as macdonalds that comes in real handy being 24hrs and canadian pizza for their buy 1 get 1 free. I have seen delivery man sending macdonalds up directly to the tutorial rooms, how cool is that?

anyway, i had my first paper today. Was praying throughout on my 0.5hrs walk to the exam venue. Sat next to Kangwei during the exam. sigh, the questions still seem really hard and i forgot one formula that is really crucial. Leave everything to father God and conc on the next paper bah!

This friday, going for tutors fellowship. It's my 2nd tutors fellowship so far since i move over to this ministry. I feel it is essential to go the fellowship given that we only meet once a month and also i want to learn more from the other tutors and grow in this ministry! Futhermore, am new to the ministry, there so much things to learn from the experienced tutors. Will be missing out on cellgroup though. Sigh, it seems pretty long since i had cellgroup at ris' place. Last week was at shaun's place.

Missed jiawei also, wondering when he is joining us again. Jiayou bah brother. Sometimes it takes a lot of fervent prayer, some faith to stand up for what you believe in, yet not disrespecting and loving your parents. Been praying for you also. Hope to see you soon in church!!

Jiawei's incident brought back some memories to stuff which i faced years back. One thing i learn since i was a christian is that there are times when you need to sit the problem down and solve it. There are times when i meet when i succumb to the problem being too lazy to address to it, the problem may go away temporarily, like the peace before a storm, but the devil will make sure that it will arise again and again since he has found your weak acupoint. Just like when we watch chinese gongfu, the gongfu master will always press the weak acupoint to numb/immobilise the opponent. God, i pray that you will keep us safe and protected during this period and also make us efficient workers for you!

anyway fulin should have reached home in china. Pray that God will give him the wisdom as he goes back to face the various issues in the family! Could see the desire in you to grow and know God more! Lets catch up with some basketball after you are back from china and i have finished your exams! =)

headache headache headache......heelllp!!

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