Thursday, January 10, 2008

200th Post!! (June 2007 -- Present)

Seems like a rather long time since i last blogged something(minus the announcement on jan 1st). So here's a recap of how 2007 has been for me. 2007 has been rather exciting and interesting for me. Did my internship, started teaching a sec 2 class in CHEC, my aunt and family came over from canada, friends that i hosted from canada, went over to KL for the 2nd time since 2004, went to do my 1st hi-key ICT, my 1st manicure and eyebrows trimming(haha, i bet you guys reading will laugh) etc etc.

okie eyebrow trimming was painful but was kinda interesting. Used to have badly bitten nails, manicure killed the bad habit instantly. so its all about personal grooming.

So stuff below are just for personal records.

Dave from Calgary came over to stay with me for 28hrs

My Aunt and Family finally came back! Missed them so much! Wayne and Kyle have grown a lot since then.

i tried driving through KPE for the first time--pretty interesting! reminds me of the movie 'DAYLIGHT' oh yah u cant speed in this tunnel- speed cameras around. max 50km/hr. And yes, u can still listen to your radio, driving through that 10mins stretch.

so i emceed one wedding for the first time- well its kinda exciting.

then Gail from Calgary came to visit! She's more asian than me now, having travelled more than 80% of Southeast asia. (Oh yah i still owe you the cd of photos, been having trouble with my burner)

and we went KL

then i got attached!! (notice the similarity with the photo above?)

My dad's car battery ran out when i stopped it at the petrol kiosk the night before and i had my 1st jumpstart lesson with the jumpstart cables. I pushed a stalled car across a junction for the very first time.

New Year was spent celebrating toasting in the car and watching the city fireworks after steamboating at her place with her parents. Great idea to avoid the massive crowd.

I know i have nothing to do with Jimmy Nah but i thought this pic was rather artistically taken and his death came as a shock also. To me, he's one of the better comedians in Singapore. His blog before he passed away
Life can be so short
I took a similar pic with Faith a year ago at my grandfather's birthday so here's another one. Now Faith has grown. One more year and she will be in primary one!
Ah bin's daughter. hee...7 months ago, i was at the baby shower. so cute and cuddly. i just love children.
Ah gong's birthday party at west coast restaurant. pretty nice food i must say. according to cousin weisian, ah gong is 94 years old. I think when people reached that age, age doesnt really matter to them anymore. What matters is the fruits of their labour!

so 2008 is here and this year is gonna be an even exciting year for me. New goals, resolutions, visions awaits to be fulfilled. New energy!

1 comment:

Hendri said...

Heya... Congrats on your 200th post. :P

Cheers for the year ahead!