Friday, October 19, 2007

Letter to the Student Union

-----Original Message-----
From: #Students' Union-Vice President (Student Welfare)#
Sent: Tue 10/16/2007 5:26 PM
Cc: #Students' Union-Welfare Executive#; #Students' Union-Honorary General Secretary#; #Students' Union-President#
Subject: RE: Feedback reply


We have tried to educate the students about various issues mentioned by you (even in library, the library management has done the same thing), but it will just happen again. I understand your point of view and I believe you and I are categorized as mature students. But if you look into the other students perspective, they might still hog the place. For the fully packed study rooms, it didnt happen all the time. There are times that the room is not utilized at all or only by 1 or 2 student.

We have looked into the reponses and feedbacks from the students equally (pro and con of opening tutorial rooms) and we will still look into the consideration of opening the tutorial rooms in future. Some of the concerns also came from our predeccesor (16th SU Exco), not from our own decision. As I mentioned, we have few round of discussions on this matter and students' welfare is always included in the consideration. There is also another perspective in looking at students' welfare, where proper rest is also important (I have seen many students doesnt bother to return to their home or hostel but sleep in the TR).

Perhaps this semester will be a good time to gather more pro and cons on this particular service (and also act as platform to educate the students), while we still open other facilities to study. Hope that this discussion will be a good input for our next semester exam welfare package.


cc. FYI

Best Regards,


Vice-President Students' Welfare

17th Students' Union Executive Committee

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore




Sent: Tue 10/16/2007 1:45 PM
To: #Students' Union-Vice President (Student Welfare)#
Cc: #Students' Union-Welfare Executive#; #Students' Union-Honorary General Secretary#
Subject: RE: Feedback reply


I'm regularly studying in tutorial rooms during exam period since they started the program and have always felt that its a good initiative from the school. From experience, i do not understand why you would say that there are unutilised rooms when the room are always fully packed and we have problems getting the rooms ourselves.

If the rooms are not going to be open for study, students are bound to find a room to study despite the airconditioned is off. However, this brings bad ventilation/no ventilation in the class. I believe that a bulk of the student population would really prefer to study in a conducive environment rather than one where the air is stale.

Students are mature enough to know that they should not hog/take care of their own items. Of course these are unavoidable in any place but that doesnt mean that the union should withdraw this from the package?

I believe instead of withdrawing the classrooms, why not put up signages to educate the people? i believe a lot of people will really appreciate that as a reminder.

prob the new student union can really look into this and provide something which the previous unions have done. Regarding the wastage of electricity, no doubt more rooms that are opened will result in hiking electricity bills. But money would be well spent if the rooms are properly utilised. If this is provided in the past, why not the present?

Kindly dont shortchange the student population when you are students yourselves =)
Hope to hear a reply from you soon


-----Original Message-----
From: #Students' Union-Vice President (Student Welfare)#
Sent: Tue 10/16/2007 1:04 PM
Cc: #Students' Union-Welfare Executive#; #Students' Union-Honorary General Secretary#
Subject: Feedback reply


We will not open the tutorial rooms after discussions with OFPM (Office of Facilities Planning and Management) and with some considerations of last semester input. We looked into the fact that:

- From last semester, there are many unutilized rooms (although the aircon and light is on) during the 24 hrs opening. Thus the closing of tutorial rooms is mainly to reduce the wastage of electricity

- There are also misusages of the tutorial rooms (hogging) that cause unhappines among some students.

- There are also few cases of lost items

Those above feedbacks are generally addressed to us by the students (including the wastage of electricity) and therefore we decided not to open tutorial rooms. But we opened additional reading rooms in north spine and south spine, also better lighting and/or fan in CanA, B, NIE and study benches along two spines.

Thanks for your enquiry and understanding. I wish you all the best for your upcoming exams!

cc. FYI

Best Regards,


Vice-President Students' Welfare

17th Students' Union Executive Committee

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

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